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임렉 맞이에 분주

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작성자 Aditya 작성일 16-02-03 18:49 조회 3,587 댓글 0


23일 남부 자카르타 끌른뗑 햔 티안 샹 띠의 한 중국 사원에서는 임렉(Imlek) 중국 설날 맞이에 한창이다. 올해 임렉은 8일로 화교들은 사원을 찾아 향을 피우고 한 해 동안의 복을 기원한다.
Housekeeper worship tidied up the clothing of the Goddess Kwan Im statue in Hian Thian Siang Tee temple, South Jakarta, Wednesday, February 3, 2016. Ahead of Chinese New Year celebrations (imlek) in 2567 (chinese calendar) or February 8, 2016, official house of worship helped by Tionghoa ethnic residents, cleaning the statue of the god - goddess and decorate the temple. Tionghoa peoples believe that by participating in the ritual will have good luck and blessings. (JakartaBizWeekly/Aditya)

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