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이제 인니도 비닐 봉투 유료화 시행이제 인니도 비닐 봉투 유료화 시행

페이지 정보

작성자 Aditya 작성일 16-02-23 22:09 조회 4,121 댓글 0


21일부터 전국 몰 및 소매점 비닐 봉투 유료화가 전면 시행됐다. 이날부터 쇼핑객들은 마트에서 물건을 산후 결제할 때 비닐 봉투도 구입해야 한다. 봉투는 개당 200루피아에 판매된다.  
Consumers carry their purchases using plastic bags in a mini market in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 23, 2016. To control the plastic waste, the government introduced regulations plastic bags paid in every modern retail and traditional markets. Currently, the government has been disseminating these regulations simultaneously in 22 cities in Indonesia since February 21, 2016 and will last for 6 months. For the price of plastic bags, the government set a minimum price of IDR 200, but some cities set a higher price, ranging from IDR 1,500 to IDR. 4,500 per plastic bag, and even, the Jakarta government will set the price of IDR 5,000 per plastic bag. This is done to make the public aware of the dangers of plastic waste and can be used to bring their own shopping bags. (JakartaBizWeekly/Aditya)

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