Officers arrested a fowl that will be destroyed in the operation of preventing the spread of avian influenza virus (H5N1) in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 28, 2016. Culling of poultry owned by residents was conducted in all regions of Jakarta as the prevention of the spread of the bird f…
Workers move the electric train cars from the ship to piers at the Port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6, 2016. The arrival of 18 electric train cars from Japan is the last wave of the electric train fleet procurement program by PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) Commuter Jabodetabek (KC…
A basic commodities Seller weigh sugar on her stallinPalmerah traditionalmarket, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5, 2016. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS), recorded in December 2015 an inflation of 0.96%, which was influenced by the rise of the whole index expenditure groups, with groups of food…
지난달 30일 인도네시아 증권거래소가 2015년 종무식을 기념했다. 이날 종무식에는 유숩 깔라 부통령(가운데)과 아구스 마르또와르조요 인도네시아 중앙은행(BI) 총재(오른쪽 두 번째), 물리아만 하닷 금융감독청(OJK) 청장(왼쪽 두 번째), 띠또 술리스띠오 인도네시아 증권거래소(PT Bursa Efek Indonesia) 대표이사(왼쪽) 등이 참석했다. CLOSING STOCK EXCHANGE TRADING Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (cente…
Head of the Information Office Air Force (Kadispen-AU), Air Commodore TNI Dwi Badarmanto giving a press conference related to the fall of light combat aircraft the T-50i Golden Eagle, which took place in Yogyakarta, at the airforce base the Halim Perdanakusuma, Jakarta, Sunday, December 20, 2015 . A…
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla, accompanied by Chairman of the Assembly, Zulkifli Hasan, Acting Chairman of the KPK, Taufiquerachman Ruki opened the National Conference on Anti-Corruption (KNPK)2015, at the Nusantara Building V, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursda…
Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Committee (NTSC), Soerjanto Tjahjono (center) accompanied by Investigator In Charge, Mardjono Siswosuwarno (left) and Acting Deputy Communications (Kasubkom) Investigation of Aviation Accidents NTSC, Nurcahyo Utomo (right) explains the chronology of the…
임금행동위원회-인도네시아노동자운동(KAU-GBI, Komite Aksi Upah-Gerakan Buruh Indonesia) 소속 노조원들은 전국 노조 총파업 첫째 날인 24일, 자카르타 뿔로가둥 공단에서 시위를 벌였다. 인도네시아 노동조합총연합(KSPI)를 주축으로 하는 전국 각지의 시위세력은 새로운 최저임금계산법 철폐, 내년도 최저임금 25% 인상 등의 구호를 내걸었다. NATIONAL STRIKE ACTION A number of workers who are members of the Action Committee…
Visitors thronged the exhibition area of computer technology and gadgets Indocomtech 2015 in Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, October 28, 2015. The exhibition was attended by 300 companies in the information technology and lasted to November 2, 2015. (Aditya)
인도네시아 정보통신부 인력개발연구청의 바수끼 유웁 이스깐다르(오른쪽) 청장과 강학주 LG유플러스 상무(왼쪽)이 2015 글로벌 장애청소년 IT챌린지의 시작을 알리는 공을 울리고 있다. 글로벌 장애청소년 IT챌린지는 2011년 베트남대회를 시작으로 송도, 태국, 부산, 그리고 인도네시아 스르뽕에서 차례로 개최되었으며 내년 대회는 중국 베이징에서 열릴 예정이다. GLOBAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHALLENGE 2015 Head of Research and Development of Human Reso…